
Core principles and values of OpenRouter

OpenRouter helps developers source and optimize AI usage. We believe the future is multi-model and multi-provider.

How will you source your intelligence?

If you need a lot of inference, making additional accounts or API keys makes no difference. We manage the rate limit globally. We do however have different rate limits for different models, so you can share the load that way if you do run into issues. If you start getting rate limited — tell us! We are here to help. If you are able, don’t specify providers; that will let us load balance it better.

OpenRouter Provides

Price and Performance. OpenRouter scouts for the best prices, the lowest latencies, and the highest throughput across dozens of providers, and lets you choose how to prioritize them.

Standardized API. No need to change code when switching between models or providers. You can even let your users choose and pay for their own.

Real-World Insights. Be the first to take advantage of new models. See real-world data of how often models are used for different purposes. Keep up to date in our Discord channel.

Consolidated Billing. Simple and transparent billing, regardless of how many providers you use.

Higher Availability. Fallback providers, and automatic, smart routing means your requests still work even when providers go down.

Higher Rate Limits. OpenRouter works directly with providers to provide better rate limits and more throughput.

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